Give your teacher a big THANK YOU by entering our
Super Teacher Contest!
Who Can Participate: Grade school and middle school students.
Here's How It Works: To participate, write an essay, poem, or thank you letter (500 words or less, in English on 8.5" x 11" white paper) sharing how a teacher has influenced your life and why you appreciate and admire them. Each entry should have your full name as well asyour school and teacher’s name with the class he/she teaches. Attach your submission to this entry form and mail, email (to, or hand it in to:
San Jose Dental Specialists, 1569 Lexann Ave #222, San Jose, CA 95121
You can print out this page or download the entry form from this link.
Super Teacher Contest entries must be received by April 6th, 2019. All entries will be judged on the compelling nature of the teacher’s qualities, the sincerity of the student’s appreciation and the quality of expression and writing.
Super Teacher winners will be chosen by April 15th, 2018. The winners will be announced in our office and on the San Jose Dental Specialists Facebook page.
Student Prizes: The students who author the winning essays, poems, or thankyou letters will honor their teacher with the award, receive a $25 gift card to Barnes and Noble, and win a pizza party for their class.
Teacher Prizes: The winning teachers will be honored with the Super Teacher Award, a $100 gift certificate to a local restaurant, and a $100 Amazon gift card.
Contest Entry Form
Your name: ___________________________________________
Your grade: ___________________________________________
Your school name: _____________________________________
Teacher’s name: _______________________________________
Teacher’s subject/class: _________________________________
Principal’s name: ______________________________________
Principal’s school email: _________________________________
I have read and understand all of the above rules and I consent to my child’s entry into the Super Teacher Contest and posting of my child’s contest entry and photos of him/her relating to this contest on the San Jose Dental Specialists’ Facebook page and website.
Parent/Guardian (print name): _________________________________
Phone number: __________________
Signature: __________________________________________________